A winged cup who else has seen it but me?
Yesterday was when it surfaced by slow
majesty, as in the gradually
pouring of oil of an anointing
and at its sweet edge my blessed lips tightened.
Not even a drop, not even a drop!
of your balm did I allow to be lost
Your dark head of hair. Do you remember?
I stroked with my hands because as you spoke
the words from those generous lips I kissed
and though my kiss was bland it transformed me
as the softness of the ambiance.
I felt my whole life and in hugging you
I was hugged too! I couldn’t see the world
or hear its noise nor recall the vengeful,
barbarous battle! A cup flew in the air.
And I, held in unseen arms, reclined
behind it, near its sweet edges,
and I rose up to the blue firmament.
Oh love, oh how immense, oh fine artist!
On wheel or rail the iron smith
fuses iron; a flower a woman
an eagle an angel made of gold
or silver by the jeweler’s chisel:
You, you, only you know how to reduce
the size of the universe to a kiss.