One star lights the whole world and one flower

perfumes vast space with its scent, a wild

and mysterious spiral of tender

light suffuses the earth and an image,

brought together in half-images springs

upward from a humane battle.  Silence!

Among the colors seen in a dark sky,

while the sun illuminates, a vibrant

city sparkles, and the white moonlight glows.

A vision is being born in the eyes

seeking the essence ruptured from its seal

the aroma surges toward the eyes

as the weight of the eyelid lifts from them

like a flower folding its perfumed wings

unfolds itself to decant its perfume

then from the interior of a solemn

temple a pale figure rises in a sad lament.

Is there a divine purpose for a life?

Meanwhile the entire universe

which never loses its shape, wraps over

the body of a beloved woman,

as her absent husband foresees his death

in the purification of the sky.