I want to give myself up completely

to those spaces where one can live in peace

under cloth of light, drunken joy swelling

beneath white clouds traveling overhead

and where both Dante and the stars reside.

I know, I know why I’ve seen this vision

in certain of those purest of hours

like a calyx a flower breaks to bloom,

no, no, there can be no other option

but the same for the breaking of the soul.

Listen, I’ll tell you how swiftly as dawn

arrives unannounced and the spring’s first light

covers the friendly lilacs in flower..

Melancholy me…I wanted to say

while waiting for a verse of grandiose

visions they flew toward me in a line

like happy eagles I watched each one land

just as the voice of the people has sent

me golden birds that remain at my side

See them fly!  See them fly! See how they spin

from the blood of my wounds.  If you ask me

for a symbol of the world:  just look here:

a ruptured wing.  Gold is malleable.

The soul not at all!  Look how I suffer

I have lived in my soul like a young deer

corralled in a cave.  Not good. What a wrong!

I will take my revenge with my weeping!