Oh rhythm of my flesh! Oh melody!
Oh lively liquid Oh what a sweet sieve
enchanting this form! There’s no miracle
in the story of Lazarus if Christ
took to his grave a beautiful woman!
What am I if I not Memnon in whom
all of the light of the universe sings,
a mere channel where the tumultuous
currents of eternal life toss and turn?
Like a brook tired of irrigating
a bitter crop of plants wants to vanish
and for love of the noble sun transcends,
and with joy by its flame evaporates:
Or like a pitcher of happy spirits
that fermentation breaks down to nothing
and by silencing thin threads evanesced.
Like a gladiator without battle
shielded from invisible enemies
loses his life in empty arenas
…Suddenly the strength of youth has returned
as if a new sea and emboldened breast
magnified then waning, fatiguing zest
burns again replenishing the clean air
with soft music and fresh scent of honey
when before my eyes Pomona raised arms
in harmoniously fragrant embrace.